Solar Power is ready for us here in the Capital Region. We receive more sunshine year round than most other cities in Canada. We even get more sunshine than cities in Florida.
Green Energy Futures is a great local group reporting on renewable energy solutions that you should check out. Lately they have been reporting on Net Zero home construction and how using solar energy can be can affordable and achievable.
Nowadays, for buildings on the grid, you don’t need batteries. Grid tied Solar PV systems in Alberta can apply for Micro-Generation status. This means when your building is producing more energy than it is using (like during the day in the summer) you get paid for that energy. With Park Power, our Micro-Gen customers receive a credit on their bill for their production. Another positive is that when you are producing your own power your delivery charges are reduced because less electricity is being delivered.
As someone who has had Solar PV panels on my home for 3 years now and enjoyed how it has reduced my power bills and reduced my carbon footprint, I urge you all to start thinking more seriously about it. You can learn more from the Solar Energy Society of Alberta
Keep on the sunny side.